You’re Not A Depressed Fat Person, You’re a Fat Depressed Person

Dr Jess Tyrrell, of the University of Exeter Medical School, said: ‘Our genetic analysis concludes that the psychological impact of being obese is likely to cause depression.

‘This is important to help target efforts to reduce depression, which makes it much harder for people to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.’

Dr. Idiot is getting it backwards. People are much more likely to be fat because they were depressed first and not the other way ’round. Then the lard-ass-ness can make the depression worse. There are plenty of people who are fat and not depressed, just as there are also plenty of people who are depressed but not fat. How does he explain that? Where the fuck do the “genes” come in? Shitty article, and most likely shitty science.

Treating the depression is much more likely to help resolve the obesity, than trying to get a depressed person to lose weight (good luck with that) is to resolve depression.

6 thoughts on “You’re Not A Depressed Fat Person, You’re a Fat Depressed Person

  1. I am a jewish, transgendered lesbian black woman who has been raped by over 3000 White women trapped in a boring ass White dude body and even I know there is nothing that being a part ass doesn’t make worse

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