Combining endurance and strength training has always been tricky — Isegoria

Combining endurance and strength training has always been tricky, because of the “interference effect” between the two types of workouts: The classic study on concurrent strength and endurance training was published by Robert Hickson in 1980. After ten weeks of seriously intense endurance training, strength training, or both, the verdict was that strength training didn’t hinder…

via Combining endurance and strength training has always been tricky — Isegoria

3 thoughts on “Combining endurance and strength training has always been tricky — Isegoria

  1. The quandary is stupid, though I fell for the dumb shit when I was a kid. Then I learned how the Russians train……

    As your absolute strength goes up, your speed and endurance improves

    At one point I could only dead lift 315 pounds and I had a shitty box jump. When I could dead lift 775 pounds for 1 rep I could dead lift 315 pounds for reps for 3 minutes and I had a 48″ box jump…. while wearing 135 pounds in chain

    Speed training helps increase strength for most lifters…. glute ham raises and speed work helps more squatters then anything else I know( besides correct technical work) but endurance doesn’t help you do shit.

    Then it all plays out differently in the real world as most of the shit we do is anaerobic vs aerobic


    • I’ve done a full Ironman (Couer d’Alene) and several halfs. I’ve done a dozen marathons. Always eating lots of carbs. The best thing I got out of endurance is that I traveled to so cool places (by myself) and it got me out of the house for extended periods that she couldn’t really bitch about. Funny, that I do almost zero cardio now, but I look and feel the best I have since I was a teenager, all from lifting heavy 4-5 times a week and going low-carb.


      • Yeah BV swear to the same as well. I was always in the worst shape of my life when the army was running the piss out of me…. but they were normally starving me etc all at the same time too


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