Fame Whore Motto #1: Never Learn!


No matter how crazy she may be, a good-looking girl can get plenty of carousel rides, and enjoy a lot of “romantic journeys” that never last more than a few months. By the time she grows tired of riding, however, she’s become accustomed to dating only high-status men, and guys like that are seldom eager to make a flaky bimbo their “life partner.”

And in the case of Julia Baugher, it certainly did not help that she went out of her way to publicize herself as a flaky bimbo. When she said, inthat 2008 interiew, that she felt it was “entirely possible I’m ruining my life,” she should have trusted that feeling. It may have already been too late, by then, for her to undo the damage she’d done to her own reputation, or to reform the bad habits she’d developed.

Even bettah:

The story of that debacle is highlighted by Melayna Lokosky who calls Julia Baugher “the poster child for The Sociopathic Business Model.” Ms. Lovosky is a corporate whistleblower-turned-consultant who specializes in protecting against a type of fraud where would-be entrepreneurs use exaggerated promises to attract venture capital. “Fraud fears facts,” as Ms. Lokosky says, and one way scammers seek to suppress the “negative truth” about themselves is to denigrate as “haters” any truth-teller who tries to hold them accountable. This resembles the tactics of DARVO (Deny, Accuse, Reverse Victim and Offender) in which wrongdoers play the victim by maligning the motives of their accusers.

In the case of Julia Baugher, the people she calls “haters” are the operators and commenters at a blog called RebloggingDonk which has chronicled and mocked everything she’s done for years. All her failures and excuses, every attempt to “re-invent” herself — RebloggingDonk is the dossier, the archival source on Miss Baugher’s spectacular descent from Manhattan socialite to . . . well, what is she anymore?

For two years, she was a fixture on the hippie festival circuit, following around her DJ boyfriend “Rain Phutureprimitive” (a/k/a Chad McNally) but that ended last year when he decided he was into “polyamory” (a/k/a, screwing around, threesomes, orgies, etc.). In June, in a column for theNew York Post, Miss Baugher said she had recently “started seeing someone I never would have dated 10 years earlier,” a guy she called “a very reasonable choice.” Guess how that turned out?

h/t Dalrock

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